We spend much of our life asleep. The quality of our sleep and how much sleep we get affects our quality of life during the daytime. While most people do fall asleep easily and wake up feeling refreshed in the morning, many do not. Inadequate or poor quality sleep leads to poor daytime functioning, auto accidents and possibly other serious long term health consequences.

To help determine if you could have a sleep problem or need evaluation by a sleep physician
click here to download our questionnaire.

What kinds of sleep problems are seen at The Center for Respiratory and Sleep Disorders?

Adults with the following problems are cared for:

Excessive Sleepiness
Sleep Apnea
Loud Snoring

Restless Leg Syndrome and Periodic Limb Movements
Circadian Rhythm (Body Rhythm) Disorders

Sleep evaluation and treatment

People who have sleep problems should see a doctor. If you have a sleep problem, your doctor may be able to help you. In many instances, consultation with a physician who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of sleep diseases is necessary. All patients referred to The Center for Respiratory and Sleep Disorders meet with a sleep physician in consultation. Depending on the results of that initial evaluation, treatment may be prescribed. Sleep testing (polysomnography) is often required for complete evaluation before treatment is given, especially when Obstructive Sleep Apnea is a possibility.

When a sleep physician orders a sleep test, the patient sleeps overnight in the Center. During that night, electrodes placed on the scalp, chest, abdomen, legs and face record brain waves (electroencephalogram), heart rhythm (electrocardiogram), oxygen concentration in the bloodstream (oximetry), breathing, and other measurements. Testing is painless and completely safe. Testing is performed by professional, experienced technologists. These tests are then reviewed in detail by board-certified sleep specialist physicians. All patients receive copies of their test results within a few days and are given personalized advice and recommendations for treatment of sleep problems which are found. All results are communicated within 48 hours to the patient's physician. Patients work closely with their sleep physician and personal doctor to tailor treatment to their needs.

What should I do if I think I have a sleep problem?

First, speak with your doctor. He or she may be able to work with you to solve the problem. Seeing a sleep specialist or even having a sleep test might help. To arrange an appointment with a sleep physician at The Center for Respiratory and Sleep Disorders, call the number listed below.

If you are excessively sleepy, you should not drive or perform other activities in which you or others could be in danger should you become drowsy or fall asleep.

Sleep Hygiene - Things you can do to improve your sleep

• Keep a regular bedtime and arousal time 7 days a week. Spend 7 to 8 hours in bed each night.

• Avoid naps, except for a brief 10-15 minute nap 8 hours after you get up.

• Get regular exercise every day. Do it at least 6 hours before going to bed.

• Try to expose yourself to bright lights only during the daytime. If you have to get up in the middle of the night, avoid looking at bright lights. When you get up in the morning, spend at least 30 minutes outdoors or in a brightly lit room.

• Don't smoke at all!! Don't ever smoke in bed or in situations in which you might fall asleep while smoking. Don't ever smoke to get back to sleep. If you still have not quit smoking, don't do it after 7 PM.

• Don't eat or drink heavily for 3 hours before bedtime.

• Don't drink caffeinated beverages for several hours before entering the bed (coffee, tea, chocolate, pop).

• Alcohol can disrupt your sleep and make you sleepy the next day. It can also worsen breathing problems at night if you have sleep apnea. Do not drink at all, or at least not for several hours before bedtime.

• Take a hot bath 2 hours before bedtime.

• If you have trouble going to sleep or getting back to sleep after you wake up:

• Use a bedtime ritual. Reading (choose something you do not find intelectually stimulating) before bedtime may assist. Read in another room (not the bedroom).

• Use your bedroom only for sleep and sex. Do not watch TV in the bedroom. Tape your favorite shows if watching them might keep you awake.

• Avoid sleeping in unfamiliar environments.

• If you can't get back to sleep after 20 minutes, get out of bed and sit quietly somewhere else. Alternatively, do something very boring.

• Keep your clock face turned away so that you can't see what time it is.

• Make sure that your bedroom is comfortable and dark.

• If your sleep partner keeps you awake, ask them to use these instructions and seek help if necessary.

• Learn some self-relaxation techniques for use when you are trying to go to sleep.

• Relaxation tapes are available at local stores and libraries for you to purchase and use.

• Learn some stress management techniques to use in the daytime; visit your local library for this.

• Have somebody else take care of children or pets.

• Schedule a time during the day when you can worry about your problems. Write them down if you have to.

Ask your doctor whether any medicines you are taking can affect sleep.

DON'T WORRY if you occasionally don't get a good nights sleep; this is normal. If the problem persists, tell your doctor and consider making an appointment to see a sleep specialist, if you have not already done so.


44000 West 12 Mile Road, Suite 113, Novi, MI 48377
248.465.9253 (WAKE) Fax: 248.465.9285
© 2015 The Center for Respiratory and Sleep Disorders